Softdisk is proud to present more of Ted╒s artwork. This month he has created two graphics for use in the Letterhead module of Print Shop¿ IIGS and one graphic for use in the Envelope module of Print Shop Companion IIGS. Alternatively, you can change them up in the Full Panel Editor of Print Shop¿ IIGS or Print Shop Companion IIGS. Load ╒em and use ╒em, they╒re great!
Here's a brief tutorial (See your manual for details.)
To use the letterheads in Print Shop IIGS:
1) go to Letterhead
2) select Design Your Own
3) select Full Panel Graphic
4) select From Other Disk
5) show it where they are and finish the specifications
To use the envelope in Print Shop Companion IIGS:
1) go to Envelope
2) select Design a New Envelope
3) select a border of your choice
4) select Full Panel Graphic
5) select From Other Disk
6) show it where they are and finish the specifications
Copying the Graphics
Select ╥Installer...╙ from the File Menu (or press I) and the Installer will be launched. Then highlight ╥PSGS: Misc.╙ by clicking on it. Next, be sure the disk you want to copy the files to is inserted and click on the Disk button until that disk comes up. Click on the Install button and the copying will be done.
Remember: there is a paragraph on using the Installer in the Help article. Check it out if you are confused by the terminology.